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Jozef Viskupič sa narodil v roku 1976 v Trnave, kde žije spolu s rodinou. Vyštudoval históriu a filozofiu v Bratislave a masmediálnu komunikáciu v Trnave. V minulosti pôsobil ako projektový manažér, organizoval koncerty a kultúrne podujatia, spolupracoval tiež pri obnovení Trnavského amfiteátra.
Predsedom Trnavského samosprávneho kraja je od decembra 2017. Po zvolení do tejto funkcie sa vzdal mandátu poslanca NR SR. Od marca 2018 je predsedom SK 8, združenia samosprávnych krajov.
The president was born in 1976 in Trnava, where he lives with his family. He studied history and philosophy in Bratislava and mass media communication in Trnava. In the past, he worked as a project manager, organized concerts and cultural events, and also collaborated in the restoration of the Trnava Amphitheater. He is the author of the internet cafe network project, he founded a regional publishing house and later the political movement Ordinary people and independent personalities. In the years 2010-2017, he was a member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. He dealt with topics in the field of culture, media, public administration, electronic services of the state or European politics.
He has been the president of the Self-Governing Trnava Region since December 2017. After being elected to this position, he gave up his mandate as a member of the National People's Congress of the Slovak Republic. Since March 2018, he has been the chairman of SK 8, the association of Self-Governing Regions.
The Regional Assembly comprises of 40 members (the number is proportional to the Region´s population). They are elected in direct elections for a term of four years.
The Self- Governing Region of Trnava is a legal entity with right to manage its own assets, property and income. It also guarantees and protects the rights and interests of its citizens. Due to the process of decentralization of the state administration, all Slovak self- governing regions were established as independent local governments, which are not ruled by the central government but by the regional assembly and president of the region. Thanks to this step, citizens gained broader control over public affairs in their region.
The Trnava Region administers its matters independently. The Act on the Self-Governing Regions No. 302/2001 on Administration of the Higher Territorial Units entrusted the Self-Governing Region of Trnava with competences.
On the basis of the Act No. 416/2001 on Conversion of some Competences from State Authorities to Communes and Higher Territorial Units, the Self-Governing Region of Trnava performs also wide array of delegated competences.
Key delegated competences include:
Ground Communications (non-exhaustive list):
Social Care (non-exhaustive list):
Health Care (non-exhaustive list):
hospital premises in the institutions of social services
Education (non-exhaustive list):
Travel and Tourism:
Other transferred competences from state authorities to higher territorial units include the field of :
Trnavský samosprávny kraj
P.O.Box 128
Starohájska 10
917 01 Trnava
IČO: 37836901
+421 33 555 9111